Gift something that your loved ones won't ever forget!

Gift a Memory, Immortalize it!

We create custom Illustrations that capture your fondest memories and bring them to life!

Book a FREE Call with the Artist

Get your own personalised Illustration in 3 easy steps
You can also get it printed on mugs, frames, coasters & more.. 

Describe Your Memory

Tell us about the person and the special bond that you share with them. Tell us about the occasion that you have chosen this unique personalized gift for.

Share References

Share references for more clarity. Share clear face pictures of person(in case you want resemblance). You can further give me characters details, their clothes, their personalities, the environment, the place, expressions, color of clothes, pets if any, date, positioning of objects, clothes and more!

    Add More Details

Finally describe the moment. What was it all about. How did you spend it with your loved one/s? Details to the t would be added and you will be able to relive the moment! It shall be immortalized forever:) It will be a gift from heart, a memory to cherish and a moment eternal ๐Ÿ™‚

3 Reasons as to why this is "The Perfect Gift"

It's personalized

Material gifts are good. But nothing can ever beat a gift that's personalized! The idea is to recreate every memory or moment that occupies a special place in your heart through a beautiful custom illustration!

It makes them feel special!

It makes your loved ones feel special. Because the illustration created is tailor-made, it captures the very essence of the your loved one. And which is what shows that you care & observe little things about them!

It is the perfect gift!

It makes for a unique gift. You as the gifter will definitely stand out ๐Ÿ™‚ because a gift like this is rare & it's bound to make a permanant place in the heart of your loved ones!

Read the Heartfelt Stories of Our Clients

Ajji as the Super Woman

Ajji as the Super Woman

Tanvi wanted to gift the personalization to her Ajji, her grand-mother on her 86th birthday & this is how Ajji is in real-life:- Ajji is fierce, yet calm. She draws strength from Tanvi, her grand-daughter and yet she's the pillar of strength for her family. She loves to travel around the world, but her heart yearns for her home. Close to her plants. She is a nurturing mother in all senses, she takes care of her plants, talks to them & wishes growth for them just like she does for her family ๐Ÿ™‚ Chai, burgers and momos break the mundanity for her while she hears the breaking news on TV

Ajji as the Super Woman

Parth & Shreya's sibling rivalry 

This is a very funny memory for Shreya & also a dreaded one for Parth. As children, cousins Shreya & Parth used to spend summer holidays together. And while they did that, Shreya being the elder sibling scared Parth with a stick & it did not end at that. She even ran behind him with a stick!

Ajji as the Super Woman

Nishant's birthday gift for his sister!

Nishant wanted to gift her baby sister a moment that she wanted to have with her future husband! He told me that this is something that she's been longing to do! She loves the mountains & would love to ride up their with her better -half on their bike! Apart from that, I also drew both of them in their element. You can see her love for golgappas, his love for music & Manchester United amongst many other things! Isn't this a unique personalized gift?

 Maya, the furry little kitten!

Soheb and his family's life revolves around Maya, their furry little cat baby!And he wanted me to recreate one of the many precious moments that he and his family have with Maya through a customized Illustration :)I am so glad that he trusted me with this  and I am beyond elated because his folks loved the custom present!

Amrutha & her furry child SP

 Amrutha & her furry baby have many moments together that they would cherish, but this particular moment, where Amrutha takes SP for a ride on her scooty is her favourite.

About AlienChikki

The best moments are often lived with our loved ones & do not usually find their way in our phone galleries or photo albums! But we must never let these memories fade. Instead, we should immortalise these moments! And thatโ€™s what AlienChikki does. AlienChikki tries to recreate those very special moments & memories with loved ones through customised illustrations. And also get them printed on merchandise such as coasters, mugs, frames, tote bags & more!

 It could be your grandmaโ€™s pet-peeve, maa ka taana, a secret joke between friends, a hostel memory with your best friend, a mushy moment with your loved ones, an embarrassing moment that still makes you chuckle, the special bond that you share with your pet/s, the first meeting with that someone special or that evening chai with your office bud!

Basically, anything that makes your heart gleam & your face beam!

Hereโ€™s a chance to give the gift of personalisation to your loved ones! Re-create a favourite moment or a memory with your loved one/s.

We have something for each Occasion

Gifts for the elderly

Gifts for the elderly

Gifts for Her

Gifts for Her

Gifts for Children

Gifts for Children

Gifts for Him

Gifts for Him

Gifts for Friends

Gifts for Siblings

Our Work

Request a Commission

And Some Formailities....

1. I start the process with a 50% advance. Following which, I send an invoice that contains the total cost that includes printing, shipping & GST.

2. Post that I will begin the process & share the first draft with you. The draft will be a pencil draft with the placement of objects, it will be very rough & according to the brief/brainstroming done with you.

3.Once you confirm the placements in the draft, I will start to work on the first version.(Based on our finally discussed brief)

4.You can change/edit the first version(of the decided brief) & one review cycle is a part of the process.

5.The second version is the final version. Further changes are chargeable. They are categorized as major & minor edits.

6.Brief changes are not possible after we have finalized it. If the brief is to be changed, it is treated as a new illustration.

7. Once we finalize the artwork, you can settle the balance & I would sending across the artwork on email.

8. If you have chosen to get it printed on any merchandise. I will be following up with you on that with logistics & delivery as well.

Want to give the gift of personalization to your loved ones? Fill in the above form & I will reach out to you with estimated costs & merchandise options!